Tweak3D - Your Freakin' Tweakin' Source!
The 3D Dictionary (Page 1/26)

Written by: David "Spunk" Grampa - January 30, 2000
Last updated by: Dan "Tweak Monkey" Kennedy - December 13, 2002

If you think of any terms to add to this dictionary, please e-mail us!

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Obstruction Effects - Overclock

Obstruction Effects - The process of muffling a sound after it passes through an object such as a wall, box or something solid. In real life, when a sound wave passes through a wall, its signal weakens, such being the same as in a game. An obstructed sound usually sounds muffled or less in tone when compared with its original sound.

OpenGL - Open Graphics Language. This is a graphical API designed, produced, and maintained by Silicon Graphics. Although a small percentage of game are offered with only OpenGL support, it often leads to the best visual quality and compatibility. OpenGL is usually used with first person shooters, such as id's Quake III.

OpenGL ICD (installable client driver) - An OpenGL ICD is an installable driver that adds full support for OpenGL functions, so OpenGL can be used on any program supporting it, assuming an ICD exists for the video adapter.

Overclock - The act of increasing the clock speed of a product to run faster. Overclocking is another form of tweaking, and is practiced religiously by readers and members of this site. Most CPUs can be overclocked to 125% of their original clock speed, and most video cards can be overclocked to between 105% and 120% of their stock clock speed. Many video cards can also have their memory overclocked as well. For more information on overclocking CPUs and video cards, be sure to check Tweak3D's articles and tweaking index.

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