Tweak3D - Your Freakin' Tweakin' Source!
The 'Tweaking' Tweak Guide (Page 2/5)

Posted: June 18, 2000
Written By: Keith "Farrel" McClellan

Applying a Tweak

This section can't be too specific, because every single tweak that I can think of is applied in a different way. However, there are certain things that should always be done or at least considered before applying a tweak. The first step would be to read over and make sure you understand the tweak in question. If you don't understand what the tweak does and have at least an idea of what it will do to your system, don't apply it until you do. While we here at Tweak3D strive to explain each tweak to the best of our abilities, it is sometimes difficult to explain obscure settings and procedures to less technically savvy readers.

The next step in applying a new tweak would be to somehow record the previous setting along side the new setting. If the setting isn't a relatively simple tickbox or other rudimentary situation, sketching out a brief description of where the setting was added and how it was added can also be useful if you run into a problem. Many times, this information won't be needed, but it can be a nice way to remember how to reconfigure a system if the OS is reinstalled at some point in time.

The final step would of course be the actual application of the new tweak. While many of the tweaks that are described here on the site are relatively simple, just as many take a reasonable amount of comfort and expertise with computers. And remember, don't apply a tweak unless you are comfortable with taking a few risks - the occasional unforeseen configuration error can be a killer. Hope you wrote down the old setting and know how to fix it!

Removing a Tweak

This section is another one that can't be too specific, but I will certainly try to give some general guidelines on fixing an unsuccessful tweak. If you can boot up into windows and you have taken the appropriate notes, removing a tweak is as simple as applying the 'new' old setting and rebooting the computer. If you didn't take any notes while you were tweaking, then you may be able to extract the information from the tweak guide that you got the information from, but that isn't always true.

You only really run into problems when you can't boot into Windows. It is rare that a tweak will do this to a system, but there are a few (such as the Win9x DMA tweak) that can cause this kind of problem if the hardware doesn't support the setting. The best way to handle this is to try to boot the computer into safe-mode, remove the applicable setting (or if that isn't possible, try removing the whole subsystem that is causing the problem [ex: driver]) and reboot. If that isn't possible, hopefully you performed some of the pre-tweaking steps described earlier.

Remember, you can always go into safe-mode by rebooting a PC and hitting the F5 key immediately after the BIOS information screen.

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