AP - Child Abuse?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Miller, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Miller

    Miller Tweak Guru

    Trophy Points:
    Mukwonago, WI
    So, Now that AP is off the team until his court shit is resolved, do you think hitting a kid as punishment is child abuse?

    Personally, I think a good whooping is deserved every now an then to keep a kid in line, I certainly got them as a kid. Kids are too soft these days, the "everyone is a winner" mentality and "I deserve this" is just sending our country down the toilet.

  2. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    How about the stinking media on this one? The first reports were saying that he spanked his kid with a switch. This morning the media was saying that he beat his kid with a tree limb.
    Kids need their asses whipped, but there's a line between spanking and abusing. I got spanked, but most of my "spankings" were outright child abuse. That's why I started kicking my dad's
    ass when I was 9. He didn't have any self control so i had to do something. My light-to-average ass whoopins' looked like those pics. The bad ones looked a lot worse.
    The pendulum of society seems to have swung the total opposite way now. Parents are affraid to discipline kids now. Shit, if you even hurt your kids' feelings, you may end up in jail today. I'd hate to be around when you all are retiring. those 5-10 year olds of today that are growing up with absolutely no discipline, will be the 40 somethings you all get to live with.

    I won't go so far as saying that AP is a child abuser. At least he's willing to discipline his kid. I will state that this whipping pictured is at the farthest end of corporal punishment. Any further and it would be crossing the line.
  3. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
    Spankings, not in extreme moderation. Whippings? Absolutely.
  4. 86mcss

    86mcss Devouring your Soul

    Trophy Points:
    California, Bakersfield
    spankings yes. hitting so you leave physical marks no. i use to be spanked and hit with switches as well but they never left any marks. it was more of a scare tactic from my parents.
  5. JZL

    JZL Ministry of Wack

    Trophy Points:
    SE Kansas
    I hardly ever got hit but with Mommy it was a hairbrush and with Dad it was the back o' the hand. It was probably either more scary or laughable most of the time.
  6. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    There were only two times I ever spanked. My kids were well behaved with the exception of two incidents.
    The first, my son was playing with matches and caught the woods on fire, He got three licks. The second,
    was when my second daughter was six years old and was following the coaching from her real mom. She
    pushed my fiance' and called her a f**king bitch. I swatted her one time for that. My ex and I were in a custody
    battle and she called the state CSD on me for it. The case worker nearly laughed and commended me for the restraint
    it took. Thank god I didn't have to answer to some power hungry agent of the state. This guy was realistic. Had a woman agent
    been assigned the case, I'd have at the very least, sanctioned but probably jailed.
    I ended up winning that custody battle.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
    namelessentity and 86mcss said thanks for this.
  7. namelessentity

    namelessentity Resident Cynic

    Trophy Points:
    Napa, CA
    A spanking rarely is pretty scary. I got spanked maybe 4-5 times, and every time it was terrifying because it meant I fucked up good. Like Wiskas said, if you legit get abused all it's going to do is make you fight back. It's not going to teach any discipline because it leaves you angry and defiant.
    I might spank my daughter if she does something really bad, but otherwise a good yelling goes pretty far, especially in front of their friends.
    JZL and Commissar Smersh said thanks for this.
  8. Commissar Smersh

    Commissar Smersh HODL Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Nuevo Springfield
    Amen. My folks used it sparingly, luckily my brother was the dumb one who got it more often. I'm currently a fan of only using it in situations that could lead to extreme harm to the child, ie kid decides breaking free from parent running into the street is a good idea, etc.
  9. JZL

    JZL Ministry of Wack

    Trophy Points:
    SE Kansas

    Heh, I can yell crazy loud.
    Back to spanking-- when I was a kid, one of the next-door neighbor's kids who was 2-3 yrs. older than me got in trouble constantly and his mom had spankings down to a science. She actually owned and used a paddle that had holes drilled in it. I only saw him get hit with that once. Luckily for him it was only a couple strikes. Unluckily, they were against bare ass.
    Now that guy's little sister, who at seven was only a year older than me, indoctrinated me into The Nasty Club, which was a lot more fun than watching her older brother get whacked. ;)
  10. mistawiskas

    mistawiskas kik n a and takin names

    Trophy Points:
    Rogue Valley Oregon
    Corporal punishment with a paddle like that used to be the big deterrent in school. The embarrassment of
    a public punishment in front of the class and the incentive to behave that it created worked really well and order was
    achieved. No amount of 'time-outs' will ever work that good.