I have a Logitech G25 (the wheel with a shifter and a clutch) for Gran Turismo Prologue on PS3, and I realized I still had my old Driving Force Pro (the 900 degree wheel for GT4) ... so I need some kind of racing cockpit thingys. I figured since the game has split-screen this was the best way to go. I spent the last week looking for some seats, and checked out a few on Craigslist from used cars, but they were all pretty crappy. Then last night I scored big time... found two racing seats (one Corbeau bucket in vinyl and one regular style racing seat). I paid only $100 for BOTH seats, so I am pretty jazzed. ... Click here to read the thread as we build it!
here are some pictures from my diy project,i had a lot of fun making it and now having a lot of fun racing with it,for anyone wanting to do the same have fun.
thanks,it was after seeing your project that i had the idea,didn?t see it before it was just standing in the corner of the room wasting away and this is the best recycling i?ve done in years,hope you are having as much fun as me,and thanks, again for posting your project.
There are some crazy-ass flight simulator enthusiasts who do outlandish things. This is from circa 1998. More currently, a retired airline pilot decided it was time to get down to business and has spent ~ $200K on a 737 mock-up that includes a lot of real parts. . . http://www.kotaku.com.au/2012/07/above-a....sbane-backyard/